Mar 2014 (60-90)

紅燒翅膀,我最愛吃  Chew, chew, chew your chicken wings. (60/365)
紅燒翅膀,我最愛吃  Chew, chew, chew your chicken wings. (60/365)  #taipei #taiwan #asia #IKEA

你看,貓熊穿雨衣 Paper panda tour. (61/365)
你看,貓熊穿雨衣 Paper panda tour. (61/365)  #taipei #taiwan #asia #panda

男兒淚 Manly tears. (62/365)
男兒淚 Manly tears. (62/365)  #taipei #taiwan #asia #tears

我不舒服 I've caught a cold. (63/365)
我不舒服 I've caught a cold. (63/365)  #taipei #taiwan #asia

這隻貓貓打破花瓶 Bad cat. (64/365)
這隻貓貓打破花瓶 Bad cat. (64/365)  #taipei #taiwan #asia

拿一本書來看好了 Just reading. (65/365)
拿一本書來看好了 Just reading. (65/365)  #taipei #taiwan #asia

上車睡覺 Why am I so tired? (66/365):準備出發回老家看爺爺奶奶~
上車睡覺 Why am I so tired?. (66/365)  #taipei #taiwan #asia #recaro

帶狗散步 Walking the dog. (67/365):小龍包很愛牽這隻狗狗 :D
帶狗散步 Walking the dog. (67/365)  #changhua #taiwan #asia

出發回台北 Hit the road. (68/365):假期過好快,又要回臺北了。
出發回台北 Hit the road. (68/365)  #changhua #taipei #taiwan #asia #beetle #recaro

為什麼 Why? (69/365):小龍包越來越有喜感。
為什麼 Why? (69/365)  #taipei #taiwan #asia

魚魚咬咬 Why do sharks attack me? (70/365)
魚魚咬咬 Why do sharks attack me? (70/365)  #taipei #taiwan #asia

不要拍我 Don’t shoot me. (71/365):超愛這種"隨手"拍的感覺。
不要拍我 Don’t shoot me. (71/365)  #taipei #taiwan #asia

啊~撞到了 bump my head. (72/365):很大一坨黑青 (在學校撞到的)。
啊~撞到了 bump my head. (72/365)  #taipei #taiwan #asia

湯瑪士載喬比木 Thomas & Jobi wood. (73/365):哈~ 好會聯想。
湯瑪士載喬比木 Thomas & Jobi wood. (73/365)  #taipei #taiwan #asia

我教你怎麼玩 I'll show you how to play. (74/365):漸漸會與小龍包互動了。
我教你怎麼玩 I'll show you how to play. (74/365)  #taipei #taiwan #asia

鬆餅咬一口 The perfect bite. (75/365):ㄟ...小龍包你的脖子勒 XD
鬆餅咬一口 The perfect bite. (75/365)  #taipei #taiwan #asia

你一瓶我一瓶 Drinking milk together. (76/365)
你一瓶我一瓶 Drinking milk together. (76/365)  #taipei #taiwan #asia

聞一聞 Potpourri. (78/365)
聞一聞 Potpourri. (78/365)  #taipei #taiwan #asia

搭公車回家 bus ride home. (79/365):亮點是嘴角上的餅乾屑。
搭公車回家 bus ride home. (79/365)  #taipei #taiwan #asia

我是小幫手 I'm a good helper. (80/365)
我是小幫手 I'm a good helper. (80/365)  #taipei #taiwan #asia

第四課 Lesson four. (81/365)
第四課 Lesson four. (81/365)  #taipei #taiwan #asia

哥哥牽牽 Brother led me. (82/365)
哥哥牽牽 Brother led me. (82/365)  #taipei #taiwan #asia

我要把它吃光光 Eat all the cookies. (83/365):最近胃口大開啊~
我要把它吃光光 Eat all the cookies. (83/365)  #taipei #taiwan #asia

稍息之後不敬禮解散 Attention and Stand at Ease. (84/365)
稍息之後不敬禮解散 Attention and Stand at Ease. (84/365)  #taipei #taiwan #asia

我想吃熱狗麵包 I want to eat hot dog buns. (85/365)
我想吃熱狗麵包 I want to eat hot dog buns. (85/365)  #taipei #taiwan #asia

上學好快樂 I'm so happy to go to school.  (86/365)
上學好快樂 I'm so happy to go to school.  (86/365)  #taipei #taiwan #asia

小男孩兒與列車們 Little boy playing with trains. (87/365)
小男孩兒與列車們 Little boy playing with trains. (87/365)  #taipei #taiwan #asia

早安讀書會 Saturday morning bookclub. (88/365)
早安讀書會 Saturday morning bookclub. (88/365)  #taipei #taiwan #asia

玩具山 Toy mountain. (89/365):這陣子很愛把車車堆成山...說是大爆炸。
玩具山 Toy mountain. (89/365)  #taipei #taiwan #asia

吃完麵包再回家 Eating bread and then go home. (90/365)
吃完麵包再回家 Eating bread and then go home. (90/365)  #taipei #taipei #asia
